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Girls’ School


“Science and everyday life cannot and should not be separated.” 

Rosalind Franklin* circa summer 1940. 


Never has the importance of science been so much at the forefront of the public's mind and imagination. Current generations face some of the biggest threats to civilisation and life as we know it; this, coupled with misinformation and fake news, means that it has never been more vital that all young people receive a high-quality education and achieve a strong comprehension of fundamental concepts and analytical skills. 

  At Newlands Girls’ School, we strive to equip learners with the abilities to make balanced and informed decisions in an ever-changing environment and to make positive contributions in tackling these societal challenges.  

We teach an exciting and rigorous curriculum which inspires curiosity as well as producing excellent examination results. We encourage students to ask questions, think critically and take responsibility and action regarding real-world problems, whether that be voicing their opinion on a new nuclear power station or deciding whether to accept an offer of a novel vaccine. We foster a passion that will motivate students to be lifelong learners and introduce them to the huge variety of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) careers available, that include but go well beyond medicine. 

We encourage our students to experience science beyond the classroom by providing additional opportunities for them to learn; these include our KS3 Science club run by selected sixth form ambassadors and experiencing real-world, cutting-edge science at CERN, the European Organisation for Nuclear Research.  

The overarching objective is to give all students the opportunity and support required to understand the significant role that science plays in everyday life, and to appreciate how progress in science contributes to a wider society. Beyond this, our aim is to provide a first-class academic foundation for students wishing to pursue further science education and STEM careers and to support all students throughout this process.  


*Rosalind Franklin (25 July 1920 – 16 April 1958) was a British Scientist whose work was key in the discovery of the structure of DNA, RNA, viruses as well as graphite. She was not recognised for her work in her discovery of the DNA double helix until after her death.  

To see these curriculum maps in more detail, please click the roadmap links at the bottom of this page.