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Girls’ School


Who are the School Governors and what do they do?

Who are the School Governors and what do they do?

School Governors work with the Headteacher to set the future direction for the school and decide how the school's budget should be spent. Governors provide the Headteacher with support and advice, drawing on their knowledge and experience. They ask searching questions and respect the Headteacher's position as professional leader of the school.

Governing Bodies make decisions collectively on matters such as performance targets, school policies and the school's development plan. Governors monitor the impact of policies and oversee the use of the school's budget. They report to parents on the school's achievements and respond to inspection recommendations. They hear appeals from pupils and staff and consider complaints.

Governors are committed individuals who have the time, energy and want to make a difference, by active participation in Committees and attendance at school events and functions.

Within the Governing Body are three committees who have delegated power from the main Governing Body:

Community and Well-Being

The Community & Well-Being Committee has a remit to:

  • The Community & Well-Being Committee has a remit to:

  • Review and advise the Governing Body on progress towards the objectives in the Strategic Plan and School Development Plan relating to Behaviour & Attitudes, Personal Development, and Leadership & Management (as assigned to this committee).
  • Review and advise the Governing Body on aspects of school life as covered in the Ofsted Framework under Behaviour & Attitudes and Personal Development e.g.
    • Behaviour
    • Pupil Mental Health and Well-Being
    • Safeguarding
    • Character Education
    • Community Service
    • Extra-Curricular Activities
    • Careers
    • Work Experience

This should include consideration of the appropriateness and effectiveness of the provision for students with additional needs – e.g. SEND, vulnerable groups.

    • Review and advise the Governing Body on the following aspects of school life as covered in the Ofsted Framework under Leadership & Management:
    • Communications
    • Staff Well-Being

Quality of Education

The Quality of Education Committee has a remit to:

  • Review and advise the Governing Body on progress towards the objectives in the Strategic Plan and School Development Plan relating to Quality of Education
  • Review and advise the Governing Body on standards, achievement and attainment, including the analysis of the performance of different groups, subjects and cohorts and comparison to local and national information
  • Consider and determine any matter relating to the school’s curriculum, including:
  • compliance with statutory requirements
  • the appropriateness and effectiveness of the curriculum for students with additional needs – e.g. SEND
  • provision for vulnerable groups – e.g. pupils for whom the school receives the Pupil Premium and the measurable impact of this type of funding
  • the quality of teaching and learning
  • policies and provision for sex and relationships education and special educational needs
  • Consider curricular issues which have financial and staffing implications and to make recommendations to the FGB or relevant committees
  • To review and update policies related to the curriculum

Resources, Audit & Risk

The Resources, Audit & Risk Committee has 5 areas of reference:

  • Finance
  • Sites & Buildings (inc. Health, Safety and Environment)
  • IT
  • Audit
  • Risk


  • To ensure that the school conducts its financial affairs in an organised and efficient manner, observes good standards of financial stewardship to avoid corruption, mismanagement or maladministration.
  • To ensure that all available funding is used to meet the school’s aims, including educational priorities as identified in the School Development Plan.
  • To undertake the monitoring, evaluating and reviewing of the budget and patterns of spending, including benchmarking against other schools.
  • To approve virements (changes of allocations between budget headings) as set out in the Financial Regulations.
  • To ensure that adequate insurance for all considerable risks is maintained.
  • To ensure compliance with the Education Funding Authority’s (EFA) Academies Financial Handbook and the schools funding agreement with EFA.
  • To oversee, monitor and keep under review the school's financial procedures and make any necessary recommendations for change to Governing Body as appropriate in accordance with Annex 3.

Sites & Buildings

The main function is to ensure the school provides a safe, healthy and sustainable environment for pupils, staff and visitors. It also advises the senior staff on matters relating to the maintenance and development of the buildings and sites.

  • To provide support and guidance to the Headteacher on all matters relating to the school premises, grounds, security and health and safety.
  • To carry out regular inspections of the premises and grounds and approve the annual statement of priorities for maintenance and development.  To inform the FGB of the results of the inspection and the priorities.
  • To oversee the procurement of contracts for services to the school e.g. cleaning, catering.
  • To oversee, monitor and keep under review the Health & Safety Policy, Lettings Policy and Premises Management Policy for the Governing Body and any other relevant policies.
  • To assist the Governing Body and Headteacher to discharge their responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act and other relevant legislation, in collaboration with the local authority.
  • To make periodic inspections of buildings, plant and equipment and report to the Governing Body as appropriate.
  • To draft up medium and long-term plans relating to the repair, maintenance and development of premises and recommend action to the Governing Body.
  • To review the incident log of injuries and dangerous occurrences.


  • To review the provision of IT infrastructure
  • To review the arrangements to maintain the integrity of IT systems


  • Oversee the trust's risk register and, on the advice of the Headteacher and Bursar, conduct a regular review of risks.
  • Take delegated responsibility on behalf of the board of trustees for examining and reviewing all systems and methods of control both financial and otherwise including risk analysis and risk management; and for ensuring the Trust is complying with the overall requirements for internal scrutiny, as specified in the Academy Trust Handbook.
  • Provide assurance to the Trust Board that risks are being adequately identified and managed.
  • Advise the Trustees on the adequacy and effectiveness of the Academy Trust's systems of internal control and governance processes, securing economy, efficiency and effectiveness (value for money).
  • Be advised of any business integrity matters, such as fraud against the school.
  • Encourage a culture within the trust whereby each individual feels that they have a part to play in guarding the probity of the Trust, and is able to take any concerns or worries to an appropriate member of the management team or in exceptional circumstances directly to the Board of Trustees.


  • Agree an annual programme of internal scrutiny with the trust's internal auditors for checking financial systems, controls, transactions and risks.
  • Ensure that the programme of internal scrutiny delivers objective and independent assurance.
  • Advise the Trust Board on the appointment, reappointment, dismissal and remuneration of auditors (both external auditors and internal audit).
  • Monitor the effectiveness of auditors.
  • Review the findings of the external auditors and agree any action plan arising from it.
  • Consider the appropriateness of executive action following internal audit/internal scrutiny reviews and to advise senior management on any additional or alternative steps to be taken.

Categories of Governors Summary

The Governing Body will be made up of different numbers and categories of governors.  In brief, there are the following categories of school governor:

  • Member Appointed Governors (5) – appointed by the Members
  • Co-Opted Governors (7) - appointed by the Governing Body to represent community interests.
  • Headteacher (1)
  • Parent Governors (2) - selected by election (or appointment if insufficient people stand for election).
  • Staff Governors (1) - selected by election from Teaching and Support Staff paid to work at the school.