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Girls’ School


A-Level Religious Studies

Students study the Eduqas syllabus for Religious Studies comprising two units: Christianity and the Philosophy  of Religion and Ethics and the Study of Christianity and Dialogues.

Component 1

Philosophy of Religion and Ethics

Section A: Philosophy of religion

  • Arguments for the existence of God
  • Evil and suffering
  • Religious experience
  • Religious language
  • Miracles
  • Self and life after death

Section B: Ethics and religion

  • Ethical theories
  • Issues of human life and death
  • Issues of animal life and death
  • Introduction to meta ethics
  • Free will and moral responsibility
  • Conscience
  • Bentham and Kant

Component 2

Study of Religion and Dialogues

Section A: Study of Christianity

  • Sources of wisdom and authority God/gods/ultimate reality
  • Self, death and the afterlife
  • Good conduct and key moral principles
  • Expression of religious identity
  • Religion, gender and sexuality
  • Religion and science
  • Religion and secularisation
  • Religion and religious pluralism

Section B: The dialogue between philosophy of religion and religion.

  • How religion is influenced by, and has an influence on philosophy of religion in relation to the issues studied

Section C: The dialogue between ethical studies and religion.

  • How religion is influenced by, and has an influence on ethical studies in relation to the issues studied

Each component has a written exam of three hours.