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Girls’ School

KS5 - Product Design, Fashion and Textiles


These are creative courses that will inspire you to improve existing designs. Students have the opportunity to investigate historical, social, environmental and economic influences on design. The nature of this course will help you with project management and give the opportunity to work in multi material areas to create innovative products, whether your interest is in haute couture or car design!

A-Level Product Design 

How the course is structured

This qualification is linear.  Linear means that students will sit all their exams and submit all their non-exam assessment at the end of the course.

Subject content

1. Technical Principles – including materials, properties, application and performance. Digital design and manufacture, product development, health and safety intellectual property, enterprise and marketing.

2. Designing and Making Principles – including design methods and processes, design style and movements, the history of design, culture and social impact on the work of designers, product life cycle, new and emerging technologies, iterative design, commercial systems, responsibilities of the designer, accuracy and critical analysis.

How is the A-Level Assessed?

Written Paper 1 Technical principles - 2.5 hours, 120 marks, 30% of A-Level through a mixture of short answer and extended response.

Written Paper 2 Designing and making principles - 1.5 hours, 80 marks, 20% of A-Level through a mixture of short answer and extended response questions.

Section A: Product Analysis: 30 marks, up to 6 short answer questions based on visual stimulus of 


Section B: Commercial manufacture: 50 marks, a mixture of short and extended response questions

NEA (Non-examined Unit)

Practical application of technical principles, designing and making principles.

Students complete a substantial design and make project, (100 marks), which is 50% of A-Level.

Evidenced in a written or digital design portfolio and photographic evidence of final prototype.

Who should study this course?

Students who express themselves through creativity and enjoy manufacturing products would be ideal candidates. This course is a gateway for careers in the Textiles, Fashion, Product Design, Graphic Design, Multimedia, Animation, Architecture, and Surgeons (both medical and veterinarian).

For further information, please use the link

Course requirements:

You require a minimum of a grade 5 in Maths GCSE and grade 5 Design and Technology GCSE.


Design Technology – Fashion and Textiles A-Level

This qualification is linear. Linear means that students will sit all their exams and submit all their non-exam assessment at the end of the course.

Subject content

1. Technical Principles – including materials, properties, application and performance. Digital design and manufacture, product development, health and safety intellectual property, enterprise and marketing in relation to fabrics and fibres.

2. Designing and Making Principles – including design methods and processes, design style and movements, the history of design, culture and social impact on the work of designers, product life cycle, new and emerging technologies, iterative design, commercial systems, responsibilities of the designer, accuracy and critical analysis.

How is it assessed?

Written Paper 1. Technical Principles. 2.5 hours, 120 marks, 30% of A-Level.

A mixture of short answer and extended response.

Written Paper 2.  Designing and making principles. 1.5 hours, 80 marks, 20% of A-Level.

A mixture of short answer and extended response questions

Section A - Product analysis: 30 marks, up to 6 short answer questions based on visual stimulus of product(s).

Section B - Commercial manufacture: 50 marks, mixture of short and extended response questions.

Non-exam assessment (NEA) - 50% of A-Level

(100 marks)

A substantial design and make project that demonstrates practical application of core technical principles, core designing and making principles and additional specialist knowledge. Presented in a written or digital design portfolio and photographic evidence of final prototype.

Who should study this course?

Students who express themselves through creativity and enjoy manufacturing products would be ideal candidates. This course is a gateway for careers in the Textiles, Fashion, Fashion Journalism, Costume Design, Fashion Buyers, Fabric Design and Interior Design.

For further information, please use the link

Course requirements:

You require a minimum of a grade 5 in Maths GCSE and grade 5 Design and Technology GCSE.